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Zed Run still Running

Nearly 30k unique users help drive the Zed Run development team and decision makers towards providing a fair play-to-earn online gaming experience for participants.

The statistics of the game while it is still in beta testing are fascinating. Investing by big venture capital firms like Andressen Horowitz, brands like NASCAR, Stella Artois & Budweiser, as well as partnerships with Netflix, Atari, and Lexus Melbourne Cup have all helped Zed raise over $20,000,000.00 through 3 fundraising phases.

Actually, check out some details for yourself:

They had collected $69 million in just racing and breeding through Jan 22’. Outstanding for a video game.

If you are interested in Zed Run, new player or one of the OG FNL crypto folks, be sure to post Zed related comments below.

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