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Sep 1, 20223 min read
The Future is Now, but it left your Privacy behind
Many citizens are being labeled criminals and suspects for merely valuing their privacy.

May 4, 20223 min read
I feel safer already.
WASHINGTON: "President Joe Biden today will sign two directives aimed at advancing quantum science, including a memorandum outlining his...

May 3, 20224 min read
Sorry Charlie!
Your request to travel to see your dying mother has been denied. Also, your request to buy a new car has been denied. Next week, your...

Apr 14, 20223 min read
Chasing the Dollar during Inflation and Losing the Value
The Fed is telling the world that " We will help" with the inflation crisis by slowly increasing the interest rate and helping to slow...

Apr 6, 20222 min read
ICYMI "the security of your coins" Get naked or get secure.
Did you know, that if you have "one time passwords" or SMS authentication to login to your crypto exchange; you really are better off not...

Mar 15, 20221 min read
Smart phones and Phishing
Yes, your smartphone is making it easier to spoof a real website and thereby gain entry to your operating system. From there, it's a...

Jan 16, 20225 min read
Wanna Go Phishing ?
The foremost threat in the online world, Phishing attacks. More than any other threat, this is the most common that you will encounter...

Dec 29, 20216 min read
Lost your Coins? part 2
Not all are lost, as some are just wandering. The 1st time I sent some XLM to the Kraken exchange , I used a memo that I generated. The...

Dec 29, 20214 min read
Lost your Coins ? Part 1
Of all the BTC minted so far, (over 900 Bn USD) some 200 BN is estimated to be inaccessible due to lost or corrupted keys. In my quest...

Oct 14, 20212 min read
Sophos Security
Phishing for treasures. Below is an excerpt from the latest Sophos Article . This article may be the best investment of your time for the...

Oct 6, 20214 min read
Keep your stuff secure. 2FA at a minimum.
Data thieves have been at this game for hundreds of years. Data has always been a commodity. ( and valuable ) You can bypass this and go...

Sep 29, 20211 min read
10 million and counting. Android Victims and infected apps
This mobile Trojan horse malware is taking money every month from millions of people. Are you one of them? An article from ZD Net...

Sep 29, 20213 min read
Guilty Plea? For What? Virgil Griffith / Greedy or Stupid
Many posts and blogs have mentioned Virgil Griffith and the charges leveled against him by the United States. But, did you know the...

Sep 22, 20212 min read
And Atlas Shrugged
So, you go out and borrow 270 times your annual salary. Who's at fault? The bank that loaned it? The credit industry that would rate your...

Aug 19, 20211 min read
"The Facts we Know about Crypto are Simply Wrong"
An expert witness testifies to the Committee on National Security , International Development, and Monetary Policy. Titled "Promises and...

Aug 14, 20212 min read
Wanna See a Good Scam?
Fake Coinbase Phishing Attempts are just one way thieves and scammers try to steal your information and money with fake email addresses!

Aug 2, 20212 min read
Need Some more Alphabet Soup?
The government agencies that will have their say before or after the new laws are put in place are listed below. Really...... There are...

Jul 27, 20213 min read
The Fed is Coming, and that's the Truth
In my wanderings and searching for information through a network 50 years in the making; I have found there are things said and things...

Jul 23, 20212 min read
Performance Counts even more when it's YOUR portfolio.
If you think your portfolio is outperforming the trillions of dollars taken out of our economy, then you may want to look into the...

Jul 22, 20213 min read
The Magic Button to end all spam emails and hacking
One button you can push and end all of the spam, the hacking attempts, and the phishing attacks. The OFF button. If this seems a bit...
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